Governor Pritzker promised an eviction freeze until July 31, 2020 but only delivered with a moratorium until July 26, 2020. Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans must have saw that and decided to deliver on the Gov’s promise. On June 26, 2020, he entered General Administrative Order 2020-02. This nine page monster order details what will happen with the Courts in Cook County as they try to re-open and restore some order. Of course, any such order is sure to contain some information about evictions, right? Absolutely.
The Judge extended the moratorium on the filing of residential evictions and ban on enforcement by the Sheriff of residential evictions until July 31, 2020.
The order still provides that evictions can proceed if there is (1) a direct threat to the health or safety of tenants, (2) an immediate and severe risk to the rental property, or (3) any violation of a building code, health ordinance, or similar regulation. Finally, the Order extends the “freshness” of entered eviction orders an additional 60 days.