Illinois Rent Control Act introduced by House Rep. Flowers

Anti-Landlord Measure back on the table

It’s back.  On February 7, 2019, 31st district state Representative Mary Flowers introduced House Bill 2192 establishing the the Illinois Rent Control Act to the state legislature.  I have not yet made an exhaustive review of the legislative text, but it looks shockingly similar to the second version of the bill introduced to the State Senate last summer.  It’s not good and

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Federal law provides servicemember’s families right to terminate lease

Relief for spouse of deceased militaryAs 2018 came to a close, the President signed a bill known as the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act that provides federal rental relief to a serviceperson’s survivors.  The provision, introduced by Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, amends the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and provides some relief for the spouse of a deceased service person to terminate a lease.  The text of the provision is as follows:

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Breaking down the proposed Illinois Rent Control Act Part 2

Digging a bit deeper

UPDATE: These provisions track with the newly introduced (Feb 9, 2019) House Bill 2192 introduced by State Representative Mary E. Flowers.  Changes in the law have been highlighted below.

Today, we will get back to making an examination of the proposed text of SB3512 (Amended 5/30/18). I want to quickly note that this bill is no longer pending before the Illinois legislature as a new legislative session began on January 9, 2019, but I would be surprised if the law was not reintroduced.  In this second part of our analysis, we will break down and examine sections 15 and 20.

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2019 State of Illinois Security Deposit Interest Rate Released

2019 Illinois Security Deposit Interest RateState Rate Released

The folks at the Illinois IDFPR have finally issued a press release indicating the 2019 security deposit interest rate for leases of residential real property governed by the Illinois Security Deposit Interest Act which applies to lessors “of residential real property, containing 25 or more units in either a single building or a complex of buildings located on contiguous parcels of real property”. 

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Breaking down the proposed Illinois Rent Control Act Part 1

Let’s Read this Proposed Law Together

UPDATE: These provisions track with the newly introduced (Feb 9, 2019) House Bill 2192 introduced by State Representative Mary E. Flowers.

This post is the very first in a series of articles that will examine in detail the proposed text of SB3512 (Amended 5/30/18).  Today, we will break down and examine sections 1 through 10 (really just three sections, so don’t worry, it’s not too much!).

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