Amended version of Illinois Rent Control Act leaks…

I. Am. Shocked.

I have been writing recently about the efforts to impose rent control on landlords in Illinois.  I think this is a topic of the utmost importance to landlords, real estate investors, real estate agents, and mortgage brokers.  Rent control will undoubtedly shake all of the folks whose livelihood is related to the real estate world.

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What will Illinois Rent Control Boards Look Like?

Tenants to get upper hand in fixing rents

Would you let your children determine how much allowance they get?  Would Apple let you choose your price for a flashy new iphone?  No?  Well, if the Illinois State Senators (Mattie Hunter – Patricia Van Pelt – Jacqueline Y. Collins, Kimberly A. Lightford, Martin A. Sandoval, Daniel Biss, Kwame Raoul, Antonio Muñoz and Omar Aquino) behind a plan (known as SB3512) to impose state-wide rent control get their way, they’ll be giving tenants the power to set rents.

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What happened at the rent control meeting?

As I mentioned a few days back, there was a meeting in downtown Chicago of the Illinois Special Senate Committee on Housing to discuss rent control legislation.  So what happened?  Predictable things happened.  Community organizers and tenants’ rights advocates filled the room with folks with yellow signs demanding rent control.  Landlord and real estate agent activists spoke about the perils of rent control.  You can read all about it in an article published in Crain’s Chicago Business.

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Landlord CALL TO ACTION on Rent Control

Act Now to Avoid Rent Control

The Chicago Association of Realtors has sent out a request that landlords join them in providing feedback to the Illinois Legislature this week on rent control.  The Illinois Senate Special Committee on Housing is holding a rent control hearing this Thursday September 27, 2018 at 9 am in room C600 at the Michael A. Bilandic Building – 160 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois, related to efforts in the Illinois legislature regarding establishing a statewide rent control policy.  The hearing is open to the public.  You can also submit a written statement via witness slip at the Senate website by clicking here.

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Cook County Sheriff Eviction Procedure Update

Back in 2011 (wow, we have been blogging here for a long time!), I posted about the Cook County Sheriff’s eviction procedure page and how a landlord can know if an eviction is coming up.  Back then (and until recently), the Sheriff used to post a Sheriff Number and a District Number.  That has changed on the Sheriff’s website, so I thought it was worth providing a small update to that information.  Let’s take a look at the Cook County Sheriff’s eviction schedule website.

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Eviction Notice Affidavit of Service

The Affidavit of Service – Don’t Do It! (until after service is made)

The most common problem I encounter lately with Illinois landlords who serve eviction notices is that they don’t understand how to properly sign the form that they serve on their tenant.  This misunderstanding can lead to costly delays in that a landlord might have to re-serve a notice or worse yet, might have an eviction case thrown out of court because of a faulty notice.  Let’s take a look

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Richard Magnone to present to @properties agents

I’m routinely asked by some of Chicago’s biggest and best brokerage houses to give seminars for their agents on the topic of Chicago leasing procedures and the Chicago Residential Landlord Tenant Ordinance.   This is one of my favorite things to do – I really enjoy talking about landlord-tenant topics and meeting agents who are working … Read more

Seattle landlords selling their properties – could it happen here?

The University of Washington just released a rental housing study commissioned by the City of Seattle that the Rental Hosing Association of Washington says “supports what landlords have been telling [Seattle] officials for years”.  Among the findings were the following:

  • 89% of survey respondents said that the landlords’ perspective is not considered by Seattle officials
  • 40% of survey respondents said that legislation targeting landlords has led to and is leading to an increase in owners selling rental properties.

That is confirmed by one landlord in Seattle who sold his unit because of Seattle’s laws with respect to security deposits.  Does this sound familiar?  Could it happen here?

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